The Problem
There are a number of scientists undertaking research into microplastics of all shapes and sizes. One area that is being looked at are the deposits found on our rivers and coastlines. Our Big Microplastic Survey research project is one such programme. Unfortunately as this is such a new problem one of the biggest problems we have is the lack of consistency of research methodologies. This means that even if we wanted to we cannot compare and contrast data from different pieces of research.

The Study
We are going to undertaking a comparative study into some of the various methods currently being used by scientists around the world. The aim is to use different methods in the same location and then analyse the results to see whether or not there are any significant differences.

Our friends at Cochin University in India are also going to be undertaking this study and we hope that others will also participate in order to provide us with a reasonable amount of data that we can analyse. We will be publishing and sharing the results once the study has been completed.