Marine habitat destruction is on the increase
Whether you are a believer in global warming, or a denier, one fact that is without question is that we are destroying marine ecosystems and reducing biodiversity at an alarming rate. Our actions are resulting in the destruction or alteration of a variety of marine habitats and the animals that live in them cannot adjust quickly enough. Our dependence on the marine environment and the pressure of human activity has grown significantly in recent years. Over exploitation, pollution, increasing urbanisation in coastal regions, rising global populations and the spread of invasive species by our actions are threatening marine ecosystems and the services they provide.

This is an issue we can resolve
There are still many issues to address, but fortunately a growing awareness of the importance of the ‘Blue’ economy has resulted in recent developments in the design and implementation of marine resource management principles that offer a more integrated and holistic approach to planning and policy making that incorporates the complexities of the social, economic and environmental aspects of marine resource development. Read the pages below to find out about our impact on marine habitats.