Why partner with us?
It is common knowledge that the environment is under pressure and we all have a responsibility to do what we can to protect it for future generations. This responsibility not only applies to individuals but to businesses, both small and large. Most businesses have embraced that responsibility, recognising that social and environmental values are just as important to success as making a profit. Not only does it help the planet, but it can also provide brand enhancement, a competitive advantage, increased morale and motivation in the workforce and investment opportunities.
Recognising that investing in the environment is one thing, but why should you choose us? We believe that there are a number of reasons.
- Without the ocean life on earth cannot exist – including us. There are many environmental issues that we currently face but perhaps none are so critical and with such enormous potential impact on the future of our existence as those that are affecting the ocean.
- We are not just a charity that raises awareness, but one that believes in taking action. Our foundations in scientific research places an emphasis on identifying the issues, increasing our understanding, highlighting potential solutions and engaging with people to bring about changes in perception and, ultimately, behaviour.
- We are a small organisation that punches above it’s weight. There are lots of amazing charities out there doing some incredible work, but sometimes financial support can just get lost in the massive administrative machinery that it takes to run them. We use volunteers where possible, reducing our overheads and administrative costs and making sure that money is used effectively.
- We have a global reach. The ocean covers over 70% of the planet so the issues are truly global. That’s why we have a global reach. To give you an example, our Big Microplastic Survey project is now being undertaken in over 50 countries and we have staff and volunteers from around the world that enables us to work in several languages. If you are concerned about the whole planet then we offer a good solution.
- Our work is project base so, if you want to, you can decide where your support goes. Having a whole range of different projects provides us with flexibility when it comes to funding allocation. So if you have an interest in a specific area of our work and you would like to contribute to that specifically you can, no matter whether it is undertaking research in the health of the world’s mangroves or supporting PhD students investigating the Great Barrier Reef.
- We don’t make major demands on you. Many organisations make huge demands on corporate sponsors about how much money they have to raise or what they expect; we don’t. We have some simple corporate guidelines that need to be adhered to and we do require an MOU to be agreed between ourselves and partner organisations (required by the Charities Commission), but that’s all.
Get in Touch
If you would like to partner with us we would really love to hear from you. Each one of our partnerships is different so we don’t have a specific format. What we would prefer is to work alongside you to develop a collaboration that is mutually beneficial for you, us and the ocean. If that sounds like something good to you then drop us an email at info@justoneocean.org and we can have a conversation.