Plastic PollutionRecyclingTechnology Plasloc to donate ALL funds received from recycling products to charity PRESS RELEASE A hoarding solutions specialist with its eyes firmly on the damage plastic waste…David JonesNovember 4, 2019
RecyclingTechnology Circular economy fashion has arrived at Just One Ocean We are all well aware of the need for us to move away from a…David JonesMay 15, 2019
Plastic PollutionScienceTechnology Plastic Roads – What Could Possibly Go Wrong? A recent BBC report has announced that a company that uses plastic bottles to make…David JonesMarch 8, 2019
MicroplasticsPlastic PollutionTechnology Adidas, Nike, H&M and Zara products tested on microfibre loss during washing BREAKING NEWS Source: Plastic Soup Foundation In the last year, the Institute for Polymers, Composites…David JonesFebruary 4, 2019
Plastic PollutionScienceTechnology Ocean Saviour For the last couple of months we have been working with The Yacht providing advice on…David JonesSeptember 16, 2018
Plastic PollutionTechnology Shoes made from recycled chewing gum! Some time ago I wrote about the 100,000 tonnes of plastic waste getting into our…David JonesApril 26, 2018