Just One Ocean is dedicated to protecting the ocean for future generations. Because of this work we sometimes get the feeling that there is only bad and depressing news out there. Fortunately, a lot of good things are happening too. We will use this space to share some of these positive, often grass roots, developments.


Just One Ocean was very pleased to support the Sri Krishna Rotaract Club and Swacch Bharat Team Udupi Delta Beach Cleanup Drive on July 11, 2021. The Sri Krishna Rotaract Club is a service club for youth who are dedicated to finding innovative solutions to global problems. The club helps youth develop leadership skills, serve the community, and engage with different diversities worldwide. Sri Krishna Rotaract Club is a community-based organization founded by Rotary Club Udupi on 3rd March 2021. Their motto: service above self.

On July 11 a total of 35 volunteers gathered at 8:15 AM. They were divided into 7 teams and each team was given garbage bags and reusable gloves. All the volunteers wore masks and other necessary Covid-19 precautions were taken. At 8:30 AM the teams spread out towards different sections of the beach. The beach had a lot of garbage dumped on the sides and as expected, most of the waste was plastic. Plastic bottles, bottle caps, wrappers, bags, lids, straws, sanitary napkins, etc, made up about 75% of the waste collected. The rest included polystyrene pieces, glass bottles, cloth waste and a lot of footwear (flip flops!).

The weather was not favourable, it was raining lightly during the cleanup. However, everybody up worked to 10 AM and a total of 15 garbage bags were collected! We received extremely positive feedback, all volunteers said they had fun and were eager to do another beach cleanup soon.

We would like to thank all the volunteers, Just One Ocean for funding the project, Little Pai for providing the gunny sacks and Salt and Pepper for the refreshments.

Just One Ocean would like to thank all the volunteers for their hard work and the club for organising this event. We enjoyed working together on this and hope to collaborate on future events.
Organising a cleanup? Register on Beach Clean and we’ll help you spread the word. It’s free and fast!

Monica Hartlief

Author Monica Hartlief

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