Soumya Sathyavan – MPhil Student, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT)
We have awarded a research grant to Soumya Sathyavan who is studying for a MPhil at the School of Marine Sciences at Cochin, India. Soumya is from Palakkad district of Kerala, which is land locked district in the central part of Kerala. It borders with adjacent state Tamil Nadu and is known as the granary of Kerala. Soumya completed her Masters degree in biotechnology and published two papers . She is genuinely interested in environment and wanted to do her research to find solutions to the pressing environmental pollution issues. After joining the MPhil programme in the Marine Biology department of CUSAT, she wanted to pursue her research related to plastic pollution of the marine environment. After her MPhil she would like to conduct further research leading to a PhD and eventually become an established environmental scientist.